I recently had the fortunate opportunity to study one of the first Mega-Rap stars, Kurtis Blow. Who is the real Kurtis Blow you ask? Well, that is what I wondered as I pulled on my safety suit and ventured into his protective bubble. I can remember such super rap hits as "Basketball", " 8 Million Stories ", "If I Ruled the World" and "I'm Chillin'" from my foggy teenage years many years ago in Virgina. My best friend at the time, William Everett Brown (where are you now Sleepy?) had a few of his tapes and we would play them in his 1964 Caddy Hearse on the way to school. Curtis wasn't impressed when I told him this and asked me to please leave, as he took back the unopened bottled water that was so quickly offered to me as a kind gesture when I first arrived. Oh well, guess we will never know the real Kurtis after all.

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